Whale Season In Panama

Whale Season In Panama

In the Panamanian Pacific waters, it is possible to observe numerous families of humpback whales (Megaptera) during the months of June to November, who cross the warm waters of our coasts during their annual migratory journey from Antarctica. During these months, the entire Panamanian coastline and especially the famous archipelago of Las Perlas, have become the tourist destinations most frequented by travelers who want to witness this extraordinary spectacle of nature.

This is a unique experience in life that can’t be missed, always preserving safety first and keeping a respectful attitude towards nature. The best way to see the largest mammal in the world is by joining the exceptional excursion hosted by Sea Las Perlas, a pioneer company in the navigation of this wonderful and paradisiacal archipelago. Once you reach the island of Bolanos you will board small panga boats under the tutelage of experienced locals, where you will then go in search of whales while discovering this tropical paradise, with local knowledge you can be confident that you will enjoy an unforgettable experience.

While whale watching the infinite sea you will find that this is one of the best ways to spend a beautiful day just off the coast of Panama City, and it is certainly impressive to see a whale breaching out of the water or even swimming with her new little calf, give a few breaths and glide back into the water with elegance. This is just the beginning, as it is also possible to discover the different islands of the archipelago and during the trip get to see sea turtles, dolphins, manta rays, as well as, a variety of fish that live in these rich waters.

Return to one of the favorite paradisiacal islands of the archipelago, the famous island of Bolaños, for an exquisite lunch and have some relaxing time at the beach where you can go for a refreshing swim in its crystal-clear waters. For more information or reservation call: +507 391-1424 or visit www.ferrypearlislands.com, where you will find all details about rates and upcoming departure dates available for the next months.